Sunday, April 18, 2010

This girl's got game!

Hanna Grace.....our softball player! The season is about to explode...........

I love this girl! I love how intense she can be about this sport....and then, in a blink of an eye, how kind and compassionate she can be towards her teammates. She's an awesome batter. A fast runner. The best centerfielder! She's a cheerleader! She's a team player! She amazes me with her ability. Her strength surpases all that I have ever seen in a 12 year old. The endurance these girls show on the field is that of Olympic ability. And, even better, the character she shows off the field is that to praised! It amazes me! It challenges me! It makes me so proud! I'm not kidding! This girl has GOT GAME!

1 comment:

Brie said...

Great pictures!!! Way to go Hanna!